Giew Mine

Giew Mine lies alongside the B3311 minor road linking Penzance and St. Ives. The surviving engine house stands over the 225m deep Frank’s shaft on the western flank of Trink Hill in Towednack Parish. The engine house dates from 1874.
Giew Engine House
This mine is just over the Trink Hill that you can see behind Wheal Alice. It’s also close to our new local ‘The Engine Inn” which is in Cripplesease.


And spying these strange holes in the side of the engine house I was surprised to see what was living in them. I hope they like their homes better than my garden.

I was also surprised to be able to see Mount’s Bay from here. It must have been a very clear day.

And in the other direction is the Celtic Sea.


  1. joannesisco says:

    This wonderful old building looks so much older than 1874. I’m guessing the salty air weathers things rather quickly. You have so much *new* history to explore!

    1. Heyjude says:

      This is true, a very different history.

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