Six on Saturday | April Showers

Well I wasn’t expecting THAT! A storm called Noa hit the south west of Cornwall in the early hours of Wednesday with 70mph gusts bringing heavy rain as well. The tulips were thrashed from side to side so often they suffered whiplash and the poor battered  Camellia in its already broken pot was tossed aside once more. As this plant has white flowers that get damaged by the wind and the rain turning them brown, it doesn’t look its best for long and now I’m not sure whether to simply call it a day. The safest place for it is inside the conservatory, but the pot is too heavy now for me to move.

This week we’re heading to the back of the garden where I have lots of narcissi planted into one of the raised beds. All white ones as this was formerly my ‘white bed’. (The ones in the header photo are N. Geranium, an heirloom narcissus dating to pre 1930. It is multi-headed and fragrant with pure white petals with an orange cup.)

Narcissus Sir Winston Churchill has frilly white petals with splashes of sulphur yellow together provide a frothy and exuberant flower with a huge scent. They are quite tall and late flowering. Reliable, with several stems per bulb and each of these multiheaded.

Clematis koreana AMBER which was voted the winner of the coveted RHS Chelsea Plant of the Year 2016. It has soft yellow flowerheads, which sometimes have a faint pink blush to the edges of the pointed sepals.

This clematis is in a container at the moment as I actually bought it for the front courtyard, but it got badly eaten by snails there and didn’t do much in the way of flowering. Plenty of buds this year so I shall see how it does. Previously I have been underwhelmed by the flowers.

Self-seeded Borage. Loved be bees and a beautiful blue, but this will no doubt flop at some point and then I shall pull it out.

I sowed borage seeds during my first year here (2016) and have never been without. They do self-seed around the garden and can take over if you are not careful. The flowers are very nice popped onto a salad or in a Gin and tonic. I often freeze some in the ice cube tray especially for the G&Ts.

Tulips at the back of the garden – the dark red ones are new this year (Palmyra) and the orange ones (Orange Emperor) are in the herb bed where I planted the bulbs I had left over back in 2016. Yellow ones from last year. I think! And at the back ‘Flaming Spring Green’ have reappeared, eleven flowers this year. They were planted in 2019.

All the tulips are beginning to flower now, lots of older ones popping up in beds and containers (see this tulip post) and the new ones beginning to colour up too. Wednesday’s gale force winds don’t seem to have bothered them too much.

The Pulmonaria (Opal I think) is flowering again in the Woodland border. It practically disappeared entirely this year and I thought I had finally lost it as the leaves took ages to appear.

Pot of new tulips (not quite sure which ones yet as I don’t seem to have labelled the pot) with last year’s buy Muscari ‘Ocean Magic’

I have seven containers with new tulip bulbs this year, one of which is above.  Hopefully with the help of some sunshine  I might be able to feature them in  next week’s post.

Temperatures are set to rise this week with a fine weekend ahead so a chance to get out in the garden at last, though I am still being careful not to overdo things.

Jim of Garden Ruminations is now our host and as a former nurseryman has a lot more than the SOS happening over on his blog so well worth following. As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to his site where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world. See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday


  1. Catherine says:

    Sorry to hear about the storm damage to your plants, I hope the clematis can be moved to a more sheltered spot before too long.

    Your Clematis koreana Amber is coming along nicely. Mine has had a little growth spurt during the recent good spell of sunshine. We’ll have to compare notes on this one!

    The tulips are glowing in the sunshine – I love the bold colours. I have featured ‘Palmyra’ this week too, but at the time I photographed them a couple days before, they weren’t fully open. Nice to see yours displaying the double petals.

  2. Tina Schell says:

    Here I expected to see some poor sad beaten flowers due to the storm Jude and instead I got the gift of your magical green thumb’s efforts. So very beautiful – Wishing you a bountiful spring!

  3. Your garden seems to have benefited from all that rain, it’s so fresh looking. I haven’t seen my borage come back yet, but I have faith, the seeds usually make it through the clay. It is lovely until it gets huge. I agree it looks fab in ice cubes for summer drinks (Pimms!)

  4. My borage has come back,,,in autumn. Ah well. Gorgeous signs of spring.

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