Moving Forward: Day 19

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing.

You get the idea.

Seeing the garden awaken after months of deluge made me think that maybe seeing how nature renews itself might be my theme. Although my intention was to feature my own garden this month, a visit to Kew Gardens at the beginning of the month with my daughter and granddaughter provided me with the opportunity to experiment with the phone I have inherited from my son.  So for the next week or so I shall share some of the things that caught my eye there. Spending time with family very much helped me in the process of moving forward.

Greylag Goslings were very much moving forward in their pursuit of food.

45 Comments Add yours

  1. Suzanne says:

    Gorgeous and cute. Visiting the Kew Gardens would’ve been fabulous.

    1. Heyjude says:

      It is fabulous, but tiring too. Good to spend time with the family though.

      1. Suzanne says:

        So pleased you enjoyed it with your family, Jude. Keep pushing those boundaries out.

        1. Heyjude says:

          I’m trying. Just some days I can’t find the will to get out. And the foot accident isn’t helping.

        2. Suzanne says:

          Oh, that’s no good, Jude. I hadn’t realised you had injured your foot. Sounds like you’re making the most of your good days. Keep well x

  2. They are so adorably cute.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Very cute at this age.

  3. restlessjo says:

    They are adorable! I watched a whole gang of them by the river at Arcos but don’t know if I got any decent shots. You are a bit isolated down there in Cornwall, Jude. Nice to meet up when you can.

    1. Heyjude says:

      It’s a 5 hour drive, so not one to do too often and there seems to be roadworks everywhere too! I think we need to move up country a bit, maybe east Devon.

      1. restlessjo says:

        Yes, time to do that, I think. Start looking!

  4. Oh, so cute and fluffy.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Quite. And then they grow.

  5. margaret21 says:

    We have three greylag families on our pond. Each brood was born only days apart, but the difference in their sizes is striking. The bigger ones are already in danger of getting beyond ‘cute’.

    1. Heyjude says:

      That’s a lot of geese for one small village pond. Will they fly off once they are older do you think?

      1. margaret21 says:

        Well, they probably will. But they’ll be back next year. They’re getting to be an infestation. We do have three ponds, but not large, and they’re hounding out all the resident ducks, moorhens and so on, as well as making the pavements deep in their droppings. Not a fan.

        1. Heyjude says:

          Those droppings are treacherous, so easy to slip on.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Babies always are. It’s when they are teenagers that trouble begins… 😁

      1. bushboy says:

        Yes indeed 🙄

    1. Heyjude says:

      Undeniably so.

  6. BeckyB says:

    ahhh the adorable stage . . .. and lovely to think these were taken with his phone whilst you were staying with his sister. A lovely moving forward Jude

    1. Heyjude says:

      To be honest Becky, it’s a relief to finally wipe his phone and not have to deal with all the apps he had on it. I had to keep them whilst I sorted out stuff and he had his entire life on the phone. From chats to banking apps, business, photos, music etc. Sorting out digital assets is a nightmare!

      1. BeckyB says:

        yeah I can get that – hugs xx

  7. eklastic says:

    Goslings (and ducklings) are sooooo cute!

    Here is another Goddess:

  8. eklastic says:

    Not awake yet! I linked my square to your page – please delete (your goslings are, nevertheless, stinking cute!=)

    1. Heyjude says:

      I’m quite happy to share 😊

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