Blue Monday

Those of you who have been following this blog for several years will know all about my car troubles. First back in 2022 the ECU failed which resulted with us being without a car for about 10 weeks. Unfortunately where we live is not on a bus route – a twenty minute down the hill to a Holiday Village where there are buses during the summer months only – which means a 30 minute walk back up the hill home. It’s doable, but you don’t want to be carrying anything. The car was fixed and has been fine until February this year when once again the ECU failed. Unlike mechanical problems these computer failures cannot be fixed by most garages as they don’t have the diagnostic equipment or the expertise. As the only local expert is extremely busy, this meant yet another 8 weeks of no transport only to be told that a fault could not be found! They kindly installed a reconditioned unit, but because it is second-hand it can’t be guaranteed, and no longer being confident in the car I sadly made the decision to trade my 16 year old VW Jetta in for something newer.

So, here is Bluey. A Hyundai i10 city car (I wanted something smaller for these country lanes) with all the bells and whistles that come with new cars.  I doubt I shall ever understand what they are all for. But as long as I can drive, park, use the indicators and lights and listen to the radio then I am happy!

Hyundai i10 – the colour of the Celtic Sea

I’m hoping to take her up to Surrey in the next month which will certainly test how well she does on the motorways and how comfortable she is on a long drive.

62 Comments Add yours

  1. Great choice and gorgeous colour. I have a Hyundai Accent and I love it. It’s so easy to drive around town and parking is a breeze. Our mechanic said to never get rid of it because it will go forever. I don’t know about that but at this stage it is trouble free.

  2. Denzil says:

    Makes sense. Hope it also lasts 16 years.

  3. Ann Mackay says:

    Love the colour – we usually chose blue too and have a blue mini at the moment.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Minis aren’t so mini any more!

      1. Ann Mackay says:

        Yes, there’s a lot of variety in them now – our previous one was a more traditional mini shape and size but this one is slightly longer. (Still just two doors though.)

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