Six on Saturday | Spring is Sprung!

Although the sun hasn’t been shining a lot this week, it has been drier (Tuesday excepted) and for a brief spell on Wednesday it was actually quite warm in the sun. I have tidied up some of the Heuchera, but I will have to buy some new ones – at the moment the ground is saturated and there are so many tiny slugs around it is not worth planting anything.

We’ll start with yet another Narcissi – this is ‘Mother Duck‘ bought last year purely because of the name! It is another one where the petals fade to white and sweep back as it matures. About 35cm high.

I got rid of my Euphorbia elongata when I redid the herb beds last September. They had lasted much longer than I expected and their lime colouring was fabulous against the tulips and daffodils, but I got badly burned by the sap last summer, cutting them back so decided to remove them. Euphorbia ‘Martinii’ above is not as vigorous so needs less cutting back and it has attractive tomato red ‘eyes’ in the lime green bracts.

Tulipa sylvestris the wild tulip or woodland tulip is found wild in woodlands and meadows, though not native to the UK. Mine have flopped dreadfully this year, but they are the first tulips to flower.
The first of the FMNs (Forget-me-nots). Soon the entire garden will be full of them as they self-seed throughout.
Narcissus ‘Thalia’ is back again, these remained in their pot from last year. Some nibbles though not as bad as those in the ground. Such a lovely elegant clean white multi-headed flower.
Finally one of the new rhubarb plants – Early Timperley – looks to be growing well in the herb bed. I won’t be picking stalks this year, but hopefully I will next February!

Frustratingly I am still without a car so unable to visit gardens or beaches – though with it being Easter next weekend I imagine Cornwall will be busier. I am tempted to buy a new car online, but worry that I’ll end up with a dud or one I hate driving. Has anyone bought a car unseen like this?

Jim of Garden Ruminations is now our host and as a former nurseryman has a lot more than the SOS happening over on his blog so well worth following. As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to his site where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world. See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday

80 Comments Add yours

  1. Sue says:

    Spring has indeed sprung, and I hope you are able to sort the car business…

    1. Heyjude says:

      Well it looks like a new car or a new house. I think the car will be the cheaper option 🤔

  2. Cathy says:

    You have reminded me that I planted some Tulipa sylvestris! I could see some species tulips coming up but couldn’t remember what I had planted as I tend not to label my bulbs as some of them don’t return. Thank you! No FMNs flowering here yet – they are so pretty and I hope I haven’t pulled them all out! It’s a bit scary reading what you and Chloris have said about euphorbia sap… Hope you get your car issue sorted soon 👍

    1. Heyjude says:

      My fault with the euphorbia. I wasn’t wearing gloves and had a short sleeved T shirt on. Splashed my arm which caused blisters! You certainly don’t want it in your eyes.

      1. Cathy says:

        I only have E oblongata (?) now, but must remember not to get blase about cutting it

  3. Jim Stephens says:

    Bulbs in pots is definitely going to be my thing for next year. That shelf full would brighten anyone’s day.

    1. Heyjude says:

      What I want to know is how does Monty manage to have irises, muscari and daffs all flowering at the same time! My irises finished just as the daffs began. 😊

  4. Beautiful harbingers of spring, Jude. :-)

    1. Heyjude says:

      The yellows certainly brighten everything up. It has been a long wet winter here Janet. I hope we have a sunny spring.

  5. topdock says:

    I sympathize with your car problems. I had to trade cars recently. It can be a frustrating process dealing with an underperforming auto. I like the daffodils.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The problem nowadays is that everything runs through the computer module so if that develops a problem (as mine has) then the car won’t start. Nothing wrong with the battery (new) starter motor (also replaced) but the darn computer! And ordinary garages don’t have the sophisticated diagnostic tools to figure it out, so it has to go to a specialist which have huge waiting times! As I live in a hamlet with no nearby public transport a car is vital.

      Fortunately the weather has not been conducive to going anywhere. And the bulbs are very cheerful.

      1. topdock says:

        In the case of my car, I saw a spot of oil underneath the car. After replacing the oil pan, the leak persisted and eventually proved to be a main seal leak. The local dealer was unable to schedule an appointment for repair of the leak. They claimed a lack of trained personnel to keep up with the demand for service. I traded the car and purchased another model where they had ample trained mechanics.

        1. Heyjude says:

          That’s shocking customer service by the dealer. I worry about the lack of trained mechanics, especially for hybrid and EV. I think I will stick to petrol for now.

  6. My forget-me-nots are still flowering and self sowing, which I don’t mind because they fill up the empty spaces. Hopefully your warmer weather continues. It’s raining here today – very welcome.

    1. Heyjude says:

      I like the FMNs too, though they do self-seed all over the gravel paths and I have to pull out loads later in the year. But the sea of blue is lovely. It’s not too bad today, at least that icy wind has disappeared, though the sun has also gone. But the clocks go forward next weekend so the evenings will be lighter. And if it stops raining I might get more work done in the garden.

  7. Cathy says:

    Some beautiful spring photos Jude. I love that Euphorbia! In fact, I love all Euphorbias and am looking forward to my E. polychroma appearing soon. Having narcissi in pots is such a great idea. How annoying for you being without a car, especially now that spring is here. Hope you find a solution soon.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Thanks Cathy. The car problem is a real pain. We can’t do without one living where we do. It’s over a mile to a bus stop and it’s not a flat walk. Hopefully the mechanic will have some news for me this week and I can make a decision. I like Euphorbias too, but not the nasty sap. And the dwarf narcissi are good here as the taller ones get flattened by the wind that sweeps in from the Atlantic.

  8. Your pots of bulbs are lovely, as always. Hope you get the car sorted soon.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Yes, the bulbs are great, even if I moan about planting them!

  9. Your spring is definitely in shades of yellow — it looks like sunshine. Good luck with your car shopping – it’s always a risk to buy a car on line. Although, Berto bought his ‘bakkie’ (truck) on line, but it was a new vehicle and that might have made it an easier decision.

    1. Heyjude says:

      I think I will go for a new vehicle. Almost new is almost the same price anyway. Getting my car back tomorrow so I will be visiting the dealerships!

  10. The ground may be saturated with water and slugs, but going by the colours it looks like spring.

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