Six on Saturday | Midsummer

Six of the same from me this week. I am trying to rest my right hand which is still numb, so not as much time on the computer and editing photos. I still can’t resist pulling out the weeds when I see them which probably doesn’t help!

These Sweet William / Dianthus barbatus are classed as a biennial or short-lived perennials and often treated as an annual. I planted these in the autumn of 2018 as pot toppers for my tulips. They have flowered every late spring and summer since and all I do is clip them back at the end of the summer. I really need to empty the pots though and fill with fresh compost and new tulip bulbs so maybe this year I will do that.

They thrive in loamy, slightly alkaline soil in sun or partial shade in hot summer climates and colours range from white through intense red and purple, often bicoloured combinations, with the darker eyes and toothed petals characteristic of pinks and carnations. They are sweetly scented.

Some overnight rain showers this week has helped with the watering, though not nearly enough to give the ground a good soak and I still have to fill the ‘bird bath’ up every day. Talking of birds, I was delighted to see new visitors on the feeders (for the first time), two greenfinches this week and a great spotted woodpecker last week. And the sweetest sight of all, a mother pied wagtail feeding her youngster on top of the conservatory roof.

Feed Me!

Don’t you just love this time of the year?

Jim of Garden Ruminations is now our host and as a former nurseryman has a lot more than the SOS happening over on his blog so well worth following. As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to his site where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world. See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday


  1. I’m sorry to hear about your hand. Such wonderful photos though, I especially like the one of the birds feeding.

    1. HeyJude says:

      I get a lot of joy from watching the garden birds.

  2. I do remember Sweet Williams – so pretty and the vibrant colours of the flowers go so well with the bright blue pot (I have several of those in my garden too). The photo of the mother wagtail feeding her chick is gorgeous 🙂 Hope your thumb feels better soon too!

    1. HeyJude says:

      Thanks Rosemary. Yes, the blue pots set off flowers beautifully.

  3. Pauline says:

    Sweet Williams bring back happy memories of childhood when my parents grew them. Love the photo of the baby bird being fed, they have us well trained putting out food for them!

    1. HeyJude says:

      Sweet Williams do seem to take many of us back to childhood gardens. They are somewhat old fashioned flowers, but so worth having for the colour and scent.

  4. These are amazing flowers in the summer. But those birds are feeding each other. Anita

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