Six on Saturday | Spring Forward

Although the first of March is considered to be the beginning of spring in meteorological terms I tend to stick with the astronomical terms – the Vernal equinox falls on Monday March 20th this year. But there is no doubt that life in the garden is beginning to emerge with the longer hours of daylight.

After a break of several months I am back with Six things in the garden on a Saturday. Or in the case of the first item, one thing that is no longer in the garden.

You may remember that this was my last photo of the Kilmarnock Willow tree which had been rocked so much by the gales in November that its roots were exposed and it fell over. Well in early December it was removed leaving the former ‘dappled shade’ bed no longer in shade. In fact it is now a sunny bed. I think the roses may be transferred here.
Gone. Including the odd skinny pine tree.

It’s certainly opened up the view, but as this was where my crocuses, winter aconites and snowdrops are planted I am wondering whether I need to transplant them to a shadier spot. Any expert out there know whether they’ll be happy in a sunnier location during the summer?

It’s been a delight this past month to discover new bulbs opening in the garden daily, beginning in January with Iris histroides ‘George’ through to old and new irises arriving, single and double snowdrops and crocuses. The Hellebores are still a bit behind.

Iris reticulata ‘J S Dijt’ is looking good this week, old bulbs which were removed and stored over the summer then replanted in November.

It’s not all bulbs though. I have several South African Osteospermums / Cape or African daisy in my garden, not all of which are hardy so I was pleasantly surprised to find these yellow ones beginning to flower.

Despite several very cold and frosty days this tender Osteospermum ‘Voltage Yellow’ has begun flowering again.

Finally an update on my Cornish Hedge which was looking really good at the beginning of the year with the Sicilian chamomile / Anthemis punctata subsp. cupaniana and Erigeron ‘Sea Breeze’ trailing beautifully over the stones and forming lush green mounds of foliage. Then disaster struck. Escapee sheep came into the ‘Wild Garden‘ and happily munched their way through all the plants, not even eating some of them, just pulling them out and tossing them on the ground. I could have wept. It’s far too depressing to post a photo of the damage. I will cut everything dead back and in May scatter some annual bee flower seeds over the top and cross my fingers.

Jim of Garden Ruminations is now our host and as a former nurseryman has a lot more than the SOS happening over on his blog so well worth following. As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to his site where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world. See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday


  1. BeckyB says:

    Gorgeous post, but aargh about the sheep.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Very annoying!

  2. Welcome back and sorry for your losses. Those ruddy sheep! I’m sure you’ve already had this advice, but the crocus seem happy in a sunny spot, although I think the others need summer shade.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Thanks for the advice. I shall probably transplant the snowdrops to a shadier spot, though if I plant the roses there they might provide sufficient shade.

      1. I think that would work. I’ve got some growing under the roses with the odd deciduous shrub too and they are happy there.

  3. What a lovely surprise to see the African daisy in your garden – it’s such a plain flower, yet so beautiful. I’m looking forward to your garden this year … it’s a great start!

    1. Heyjude says:

      I love African Daisies and usually have several types in my garden, but the sheep have eaten my purple ones!

  4. Catherine says:

    Oh the little vandals. Your poor hedge – what a shame. I hope not all your plants have been lost. The Iris, snowdrops and crocuses are all looking lovely 😊

    1. Heyjude says:

      The oregano seems to be growing! I’ll take some photos in a week or two, hopefully some things will come back.

  5. susurrus says:

    Oh no! It’s such a pity that your beautiful hedge is gone. Is it very optimistic to hope it might not be as badly damaged as you fear? My sweetheart has lost several of his trees and all his rosemary (he had five types) in an unusually cold spell earlier, but some of the vines that looked dead seem to have made it.

    1. Heyjude says:

      They were back eating / pulling out what was left today so I am not hopeful. The top of the Cornish hedge may survive, but everything on the opposite low wall has gone.

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