Cornish beaches: Godrevy

Godrevy lighthouse was my muse for all of 2017. But even though the lighthouse and the landscape has featured heavily on this blog, I have not actually written about the beach itself.

Godrevy beach stretches from the north side of where the Red River runs into the sea at Gwithian. It is broken into several coves formed by outstretched rocks and only accessible a lot of the time at low tide. The cliffs are very unstable here and several routes onto the beach have been destroyed, but at the very far end close to the field car-parks (open summer only) are steps onto a sheltered cove and rock pools.  And although this photo below makes it look as if you can walk to the lighthouse, it is deceptive. Behind those rocks is the sea.

And at high tide in summer it can be very, very crowded. So much so that my attempt only 6 weeks ago led me to abandoning the idea.

At low tide though it is a very different scene and you can walk the entire length to Gwithian and even further to Hayle Towans, 3 miles in the distance. In September it is fairly quiet even on a relatively warm day.  The hundred or so metres of sand all but disappear at high tide so don’t get caught out.

There are rock pools, but not much in them other than seaweed and the occasional small fish, but the colours and shapes are absorbing.

And the views are sublime with the water dancing in the sunlight. The hill you can see on the right of this photo is Trencrom and from where I am often taking  photos of the beaches along here.

A ‘sea monster’ on the beach reminds me of the seals that often come here and also around the headland at Mutton Cove.

So I leave the beach behind and make my way up to the viewing point where I am not disappointed. Several Grey Seals are basking on the beach and there are more in the water or on the rocks. They are not easy to see with the naked eye and if you want to get a good view I suggest you bring binoculars and/or a good zoom lens.

And the final icing on the cake moment was my decision to walk around Godrevy Point back to the car instead of heading straight back down the hill. For there, strutting about on the grass, was a pair of Cornish Choughs – the ones with the red bills and red legs. Quite rare, even here in Cornwall, so I was mildly ecstatic not only to see a pair, but also to get photos of them feeding.

Godrevy beach is one of the more exposed beaches of the North coast. A good place to storm watch in winter. Godrevy is National Trust Property as is the ample car parking.  There is a seasonal dog ban. Easter day to 1st October.


  1. Glorious! Especially later in the season when all the visitors have moved on.

    1. Heyjude says:

      September is the season for older visitors or parents with young children and of course coach tours. Never stops!

  2. restlessjo says:

    Came back for a proper look. Internet in the house only works for one of us at a time so I let him hog it 😄😄

    1. Heyjude says:

      Oh, no! You are going to have to get that sorted out. A booster or something maybe.

  3. Lucid Gypsy says:

    Not for me at tourist time, but lovely in winter. A post that Meg would be proud of Jude x 🙂 x

    1. Heyjude says:

      I have one specially for her next week 🙂

  4. Joanne Sisco says:

    I can understand why people who live in popular tourist areas develop a distaste for crowds.

    I can see how the sea and the vistas can be intoxicating and eventually addictive.

    1. Heyjude says:

      It is very soothing watching the waves roll in and out. Cornwall seems to be experiencing a huge influx of tourists lately. Might be due to the popularity of the Poldark TV series. Perhaps once that has finished it will settle down again.

  5. You’re fortunate to live in that part of the country so you can visit after the tourist season has ended.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The best time!

  6. Some wonderful photos – how lucky you were to get such great shots of the Cornish Choughs!

    1. Heyjude says:

      I was gobsmacked Rosemary, at first glance I thought Oystercatchers and was thrilled at that, but then when I realised they were Choughs!

      1. And you were able to get such wonderful photos too!!

        1. Heyjude says:

          They were most obliging, simply kept on feeding on the grass.

        2. Very good timing all round then!

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