Christmas Day

Yes, I know that was over a week ago, but it was also the last day we saw the sun around here, until this morning. And even then it soon disappeared under a veil of cloud. It was also the last time I took a photo. Brian of Bushboy’s World fame is curious to know what is the last photo on your SD card so I had a look at my photo folder in December to see which was my last shot (I always move photos off my SD card immediately I get home). I didn’t take many shots that day, less than a dozen, and all were from the top of ‘my’ hill. We were heading up through the west gate when we came across this herd (can you call half a dozen animals a herd?) of cattle that have been set loose on the land to help manage it. We are always slightly nervous of cattle as there are a lot in the fields around us and they are not always friendly. But deciding that the NT wouldn’t put unruly beasts on the hill we made our way quietly by.

I thought the little white ones quite cute, almost like teddy bears, but why is it that they always poop on the trails?

If you’d like to share the last photo from your SD card with Brian, then please post your image and then head over to his to leave a comment and a link. He’d sure appreciate the distraction from all the horrible news over there in Australia.

(Oh and I have added this as a bonus square for Becky’s challenge which is running daily this month – I’m posting on Travel Words so pop over and take a look. If you have the January Blues this might be right up your street. )


  1. Gosh, how cute are those cows? Quite distracted me from your lovely hilltop shot. Glad you’re getting some sun again. We’re in the opposite boat and would love some decent rain but there’s none forecast for the foreseeable future.

    1. Heyjude says:

      It would be nice to swap with you for a few weeks!

  2. Leya says:

    So cute – first thought they were sheep! Never seen anything like them!

  3. Cattle always make me nervous too. Lovely photo.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Thank you! I think we are right to be afraid…

  4. I’m not a fan of cows/cattle while out walking either. It’s not an issue while bushwalking in Australia, but in the UK I was always nervous. Once I even made a huge detour to avoid a field of very mean looking cows that watched my every move and looked poised to charge. But these are cute, as bovines go.

    1. Heyjude says:

      These were very cute and also quite small compared to those lads!

  5. Cattle are not my favourite beasts either but these look very cute and fluffy.

  6. Lucid Gypsy says:

    I like cows, Belted Galloway and Highlands are my favourite, but I keep my distance.

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