Six on Saturday | Summertime (if you say so)

Today is the start of the Meteorological summer, but where is the sun? It’s been another chilly week with rain and mizzle and wind too. I think I’ll wait for the summer solstice before casting off any clouts. The cooler temperatures are not preventing lots of things happening in the garden though the snails are proving to have a voracious appetite much like the slugs this year. My poor Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’ has been totally stripped bare.

We’ll not dwell on the disasters: here’s six things from the garden on a Saturday from my Triangle Bed (with one exception)

Camassia Quamash – vivid blue flowers are doing well in this bed, but my white ones have been poor this year with brown buds and distorted flower spikes.
Scabious ‘Blue Butterfly’ is doing very well since being moved from the raised bed last September. At the moment it has space to flourish, but I need to watch those geraniums

The ‘Bleeding Heart’ (Woodland border) started flowering a month or so ago, but the stems were snapped in the wind. Bravely it has carried on growing and now making another attempt. This time it is mingling with Cow Parsley and Gallium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff) which is rapidly making its way through my gravel path. The Dutch irises were planted a couple of years ago and only one appeared last spring. Today they are being joined by self-seeded Nigella which should be opening soon. The rest of this bed is colonised by hardy geraniums. I totted up how many varieties of these I have and was astonished to find I have 15! My excuse is that they are one plant that does not suffer any damage from the S&S (though saying that I noticed that Elke looks to have been visited by a snail).

Jim of Garden Ruminations is our host now and as a former nurseryman has a lot more than the SOS happening over on his blog so well worth following. As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to his site where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world. See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday

50 Comments Add yours

  1. Always pretty. Yesterday I saw a beautiful brown iris, a new one for me.

    1. Heyjude says:

      There are so many beautiful irises. The old Cedric Morris or Benton irises have very subtle colours, including browns and peach.

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