Moving Forward: Day 28

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing.

You get the idea.

Seeing the garden awaken after months of deluge made me think that maybe seeing how nature renews itself might be my theme. My garden is my happy place and it will, I’m sure, help me to move forward.

Sweet Rocket – adding light to a shady border and smelling as sweetly as its name. The fragrant flowers perfume the air in spring and early summer evenings.

Hesperis matronalis ‘albiflora’ is the white form, but I also have a purple version. It has numerous common names, including dame’s rocket, damask-violet, dame’s-violet, dames-wort, dame’s gilliflower, night-scented gilliflower, queen’s gilliflower, rogue’s gilliflower, sweet rocket, and mother-of-the-evening.

29 Comments Add yours

  1. These little flowers are so pretty (and delicate). If I remember correctly, wild rocket’s little flowers are yellow … interesting how they differ from each other.

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