Moving Forward: Day 17

Becky’s Squares photo challenge has returned.

This month’s theme is Renew. Or Burgeoning. Or Moving Forward. Or Reconstructing.

You get the idea.

Seeing the garden awaken after months of deluge made me think that maybe seeing how nature renews itself might be my theme. My garden is my happy place and it will, I’m sure, help me to move forward.

Lunaria annua. The Latin name Lunaria means moon like and refers to the shape and appearance of the seedpods. Common names include Honesty, Annual Honesty, Moonwort, Money Plant

Sown from seed last year I am over the moon to see this plant with its heart-shaped leaves thrive. As a child I loved to collect the seedpods and peel away the outer casings to reveal the opaque silver dollars.

45 Comments Add yours

  1. Another beauty. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this plant in flower. I’ll be looking for the seeds for this at the nursery.

    1. Heyjude says:

      I grew this from seed last year planted it out mid September. There were two plants, but one didn’t make it.

  2. restlessjo says:

    Did it start when you were a kid then, the love of flowers? Were mum or dad gardeners?

    1. Heyjude says:

      Aren’t all kids curious about flowers? Daisy chains, dandelion clocks, popping fuchsias, making rose petal perfume? Dad was the gardener, he loved roses. I never saw mum doing anything in the garden.

      1. restlessjo says:

        I never popped fuchsias. We didn’t have any of those. Stepdad did the onions and veg and Mam the roses.
        Did you come exploring Ronda with me? Monday will be more of a hike 🤗🌸

        1. Heyjude says:

          Not got to Ronda yet, been trying to organise a few days away for OH”s 75th birthday. Difficult when it’s half term.

        2. restlessjo says:

          Where do you fancy? There are child free places 🫣🩷

        3. Heyjude says:

          The problem is with bookings! Not going abroad. Too much hassle. Around Salisbury hopefully, not too much driving and some interesting places and good pubs to visit.

        4. restlessjo says:

          Good luck! 🤗🩵

  3. eklastic says:

    Lovely next to the forget-me-nots. Serendipity or just this time of the year –>

    1. Heyjude says:

      Love your seed heads. They are just beginning to form here.

  4. margaret21 says:

    Another fab photo.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Much pinker than I remember. But pretty.

  5. I like the colour – is it pink or purple? Pretty little flower.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Pinky-purple? I thought it was more purple than this, but it looks OK in the border with the other spring flowering plants.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The seed pods are pretty too.

  6. beetleypete says:

    I remember those seed pods, but had no idea what the flower looked like. Thanks for taking me back to my childhood, Jude.

    Best wishes, Pete. x

    1. Heyjude says:

      I guess we all loved the money plant.

  7. Catherine says:

    Every year I say I’m going to add Lunaria to the garden and I still haven’t actioned the thought. It’s is lovely, I’ll just have to admire yours from afar.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Last year I decided to get some biennial seeds, so grew honesty, sweet rocket, foxgloves and wallflowers. Can’t wait to see what flowers!

      1. Catherine says:

        That should be nice – let’s hope they all flower! Was it a mixed packet of seed or individuals and did you direct sow? I’d like to try direct sow but I never seem to have any success.

        1. Heyjude says:

          Separate packets and I sowed them in small pots in mid June. Kept outside on my potting table until the autumn equinox when I planted them into the ground. Most of them grew really well. I’ll have another go this year as I have seeds left.

        2. Catherine says:

          Great – I’m looking forward to seeing them all 😊

  8. It is so beautiful!

    1. Heyjude says:

      This one is quite compact, but in the wild they can be big.

      1. That’s interesting

  9. I remember honesty but wouldn’t have recognised it in this form.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Grows wild in the lanes, but I had to sow seed to get one. But the red campion has finally landed on my Cornish hedge!

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