Six on Saturday | Summertime

and the livin’ is easy…

Back in Cornwall for this week’s six and after a week away in nearby Somerset most of my week has been spent in the garden, weeding and pulling out the FMNs, visiting a nursery for compost for the tomatoes and peppers, and potting up some summer annuals. The weather has been warm with some rain mostly through the early hours, though I have still had to take the hose to the containers.

1) Star of the garden this week has to be the lovely Clematis Nelly Moser. I gave her a light prune in the autumn, back to a good pair of buds, and then let her wind her way through the Chilean Lantern tree. Not the best colour combination I must admit, but both were here before me. There must be at least 35 buds on this clematis this year.

2) And of course the tree in question must feature, looking the best it has been in the five years I have lived here. Crinodendron hookerianum, known as the Chilean lantern tree looks quite exotic. It loves humidity and shade so this corner of the Woodland Border suits it well, especially since I lifted the crown of the Goat Willow trees under which it grows.

3) More plants which have excelled this week are these Lupins. Remember those free plants from a couple of years ago which mostly got eaten by the S&S? Well the survivors are taking over now! Bees love them, so they will stay.

4) Another plant which has gone mad is this Nepeta JUNIOR WALKER ‘Novanepjun’ which is supposed to be compact growing to 0.4 height x 0.4 spread. It is in the dappled shade border and has spread to over 1m. Again the bees are loving it, but at the end of the flowering period I am going to have to split this, though where I put any divisions is anyone’s guess!

5) Rosa Fighting Temeraire has opened and is looking good. Lots of buds. I love the change of colours in this rather loose rose, the peachy/apricot-pink and yellow around the stamens emerge from a deep pink bud. Gertrude Jekyll is also flowering and my red patio rose, but I’ll show you those another week.

6) And now for a new plant. This alpine is a dwarf snapdragon, Chaenorhinum origanifolium ‘Blue Dream’. It is smothered in small purple snapdragon flowers and supposedly hardy. Another flower for the bees.

It will be planted in my new gravel area – you can see the cardboard is down to kill off the grass in the header photo. This area will not have any weed membrane, but will be planted with grasses and perennials and some annuals, that will hopefully self-seed, before being mulched with pebbles. I have decided to leave a very small patch of lawn around the rotary dryer – for the daisies of course – and some bare-foot walking.

As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to our host, the lovely Jon, AKA ‘The Propagator’ where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world.

See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday


  1. bushboy says:

    Wonderful mix of flowers Jude 🙂 🙂

    1. Heyjude says:

      Thanks Brian, the sudden wave of heat has woken everything up!

  2. margaret21 says:

    This is a gorgeous post – and largely Pretty in Pink!

    1. Heyjude says:

      Shrouded in mist today!

      1. margaret21 says:

        Oh! Come north then!

        1. Heyjude says:

          No way! Having seen the amount of traffic heading this way last Saturday I imagine it will be a nightmare heading out of the county today!

  3. beetleypete says:

    And all I managed to do was to mow the lawn!
    Well done, Jude. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    1. Heyjude says:

      I’m beginning to think you have the right idea 🤔

  4. fredgardener says:

    This photo of lupin is stunning! A great year for lupin I guess…
    Regarding the Crinodendron, I had one that didn’t like the French summer of 2020 … Shade and humidity as you said, mine was probably too much in the sun because I couldn’t offer it a best place. I will give it another try, another time: it’s a magnificent tree / shrub.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Irises seem to have been excellent in May, but sadly I don’t have any.

  5. Very impressive lupins and crinodendron is always a winner in my books. Your new alpine (spelling challenge so have cleverly avoided it) looks really interesting, not one I have heard of before.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Now to see if the alpine will survive, I have managed to see off a fair few so far. I shall plant it in loads of grit!

  6. I’ve got lupin envy this week, yours look fab, and I do like that Crinodendron, not one I know. The rose has a lovely colour range, and who cannot love nepeta when the bees clearly enjoy it so much? It’s a good idea to leave a little patch of grass, the wildlife will thank you, as will your bare feet.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The lupins are rather taking over what should be my herb bed! But the bees do love them.

  7. Lots of lovely colours. The Chilean lantern tree is very impressive indeed and the lupins are a real show. I had a Nelly Moser for a year or two and as usual managed to kill it. I’m tempted to try growing her again now.

    1. Heyjude says:

      The lantern tree forms its flowers in the autumn/winter and this is a good year for flowers. I have had hit and miss results with clematis – what are you doing wrong? Cool roots and sunny heads I think is the key.

  8. What a gorgeous garden!

    1. Heyjude says:

      Aw thanks Dawn.

  9. Katharine says:

    The snapdragon is really beautiful Jude. In fact all these plants are – you’re treating us as usual! I killed my Crinodendron, it just never got established after planting. Having read what you’ve said, maybe it was in too sunny a spot.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Well this Crinodendron wasn’t doing too well when we moved in, but I have removed several low branches from the trees under which it grows which seems to have made a big difference. According to a local nursery they can be temperamental to get established. They hate their roots being waterlogged and do not use granular fertiliser. Crinodendron enjoy a cool, moist peaty soil or loam. They will grow well in full sun but are most commonly seen in partial shade.

  10. Your garden is blooming and I love all of these pallettes–such a delight to see. Looks like your summer is gonna be alright! Stay safe green thumb…

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