Six on Saturday | Blustery Saturday


And still the storms continue.

But in a brief hour of sunlight I nipped out into the garden to examine the damage. A cold and blustery wind did not make taking photographs easy, but needs must.

First some more shots of the lovely Crocus Chrysanthus ‘Blue Pearl’ and ‘Cream Beauty’ and Crocus ‘Orange Monarch’  which still remain in the conservatory. At last the sunlight enabled them to open. For a short time.

Out along the woodland border the colours increase with more Hellebores joining the party. Now I have white, pink and a greenish one. A shame they hang their heads down when they have such lovely faces. But I am pleased to see so many buds on my Hellebore niger.

I took the opportunity of the sunlight to get some lovely backlit photos of the  ‘Tête-à-tête‘ which is one of the most popular dwarf daffodil. I have a few clumps in the shady borders and some in containers too: it is so cheerful to see them around the garden at this time of year. The pretty green bowl that held the purple irises a month ago is now full of daffodils. I have no idea what is in this pot as I just planted all the leftover bulbs from last spring. I think there might even be tulips.

Making its debut on the SoS posts is my driftwood ‘sculpture’. Until now it has been lying unseen beneath my dwarf Hebe, but this winter I decided to move it to the gravel garden and stood it on end. From certain perspectives it almost looks like some kind of dwarf giraffe or maybe a camel.

Under the Willow tree the crocuses continue to open and get flattened. It is sad to see them lying on the ground as they flower for such a short while. You can just about make out Crocus Sieberi tricolor and Snowbunting bravely making an appearance. The ubiquitous Forget-me-nots are getting ready to take over now.

Meanwhile on the patio the pots of tulips are doing OK despite the continuous battering they are experiencing this year.

As always, if you want a peek over other people’s garden walls then please pop over to our host, the lovely Jon, AKA ‘The Propagator’ where you find links to many more wonderful garden enthusiasts from all over the world.

See here for the participant’s guide.

Six on Saturday


  1. Joanne Sisco says:

    Your spring flowers are flourishing in the battering they are getting from the weather. It’s so nice to see the colour making its debut at this time of year while we are still sitting under a layer of white.

    1. Heyjude says:

      I’m almost tempted to say that white is preferable to all the grey we have been having, but I really do not want snow! So many plants have new shoots and buds that would be fatal to them.

      1. Joanne Sisco says:

        Now that I’ve been to Europe several times in springtime I understand my mother’s annual lament that Canada has no spring.

  2. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Your garden is so colourful Jude, even though it’s still early spring. My eye was taken by the bowl of beautiful irises in front of your camel statue – such a glorious colour. And what a lovely surprise awaits in the green bowl as unexpected bulbs pop up.

  3. Catherine says:

    It’s good that you managed to capture some photographs while the sun was shining, and at a time when you were still having blustery winds.
    Your crocus are probably enjoying the conservatory, but I hope you’re able to get them out soon. The Hellebores are beautiful – I love that white, and the photographs of backlit Tête-à-tête are so cheery…and full of the promise of Spring.
    I love your sculpture – if you lived in Scotland we would say ‘that’s Nessie’ 😁 The pots around it seem so unbothered by the winter weather – colours are wonderful.
    Thanks for the little peek over your garden wall!

    1. Heyjude says:

      Hahaha… yes it looks a bit like Nessie!

  4. cavershamjj says:

    Crocuses are lovely, it is annoying how they topple over and look untidy.

    1. Heyjude says:

      Yes, they are not very strong.

  5. Chloris says:

    You certainly have plenty of pots of colour to enjoy. It’s a good idea to keep pots of crocuses in the conservatory. Outside squirrels dig them up and storms knock them about.

  6. Despite the continuing storms, your garden looks very pretty. I love the crocus!

    1. Heyjude says:

      Very flat crocuses in the garden – not a good look 😐

  7. BeckyB says:

    So very beautiful . . . hope this weekend’s storm is not too damaging

    1. Heyjude says:

      Horizontal hail, rainbows, dramatic clouds and blue sky! What a day! We won’t mention the leaks and the noisy cattle…

      1. BeckyB says:

        Whole weekend was like that here, well apart from the cattle!

  8. Lucid Gypsy says:

    You have a lovely selection of crocus Jude. I think your sculpture is a baby camel. Do you think the weekend was the last storm?

    1. Heyjude says:

      I really hope so!

  9. these are beautiful!

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